Seeing 'Normal' exhibition

Written by

Janna Vink


Janna Vink


February 17, 2023



Dissect the notion of 'normality' in Annie Zeng's Seeing 'Normal' Exhibition

From February 10th to March 10th 2023, the exhibition Seeing 'Normal' opened its doors at Hae, Sint Jacobstraat 5, Maastricht.

Seeing ‘Normal’ was created by Q. Annie Zeng in a collaboration between our Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Skills Lab at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, both Maastricht University, as part of our ‘Making Clinical Sense’ Fringe Editions.

The exhibition was about opening the black box of medical training. It invited us to question how the medical world defines and reproduces the notion of seeing ‘normal’ within the context of human body variations, and how different teaching materials unfold distinct facets of knowledge.

Photo by Janna Vink

The exhibition showcased artifacts used in the classroom to teach the diagnosis of eye disorders. The exhibition also invited you to actively engage. You could for example listen to the experiences of individuals with visual impairments and how they perceive their world with and without corrective lenses. And if you had a story of your own to share, the exhibition provided a platform to do so digitally! For those of you feeling creative, there was also an exciting opportunity to take a closer look at your own eyes and draw them. In this way, you could notice the intricate details that make them unique.

Watch the below slideshow for some impressions from the exhibition!

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