Kids Medical School

Written by

Janna Vink


Janna Vink


August 21, 2023


Educational Activity

Children in Maastricht learn how to use a stethoscope

On the morning of July 19th, an educational medical workshop organised by Anna took place as part of the Maastricht Summer Camp. The workshop introduced young minds to the world of medicine. The children learned one of the most important skills to be a good doctor, the art of listening with a stethoscope. The workshop started with a fun activity to train their listening skills. They were presented with boxes containing various objects and were tasked with guessing the sounds those objects made when shaken.

The workshop also featured a special guest, a local hospital doctor, who answered the kids’ curious questions about the medical world. The doctor gave a demonstration of how the stethoscope is used on patients, explaining how it works and how it is used.

The highlight of the day was of course that the children could try it out themselves. Paired up, they took turns listening to each other’s heartbeats, and stomachs experiencing the sounds that they make. To conclude the workshop, the children could grab a lab coat and crafted their own doctors’ badges and stethoscopes from paper, resembling the first stethoscope invented by Laennec.

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