Fringe Editions joins Limestone Community Library

Written by

Pascalle Paumen


Pascalle Paumen


18 June, 2024



Find our publications at the Limestone library!

The Making Clinical Sense project and Fringe Editions have led to countless books, articles, presentations, exhibitions, workshops and interventions. Recently, we have entered into collaboration with Limestone Books, a Maastricht-based art bookstore founded in December 2022 which primarily sells art books with a focus on non-Western perspectives and underrepresented voices. Limestone Books offers an accessible space for both their own collection of publications, as well as shelves for their partnering organisations.

We are happy to share that we have now donated our books to the Limestone Community Library, where they can be found alongside vibrant collections of artist-made and independent publications. You will be able to find the following books from our collection:

  • Stethoscope (Anna Harris and Tom Rice)
  • Making Sense of Medicine (John Nott and Anna Harris)
  • A Sensory Education (Anna Harris), including the sensory education boxes!

Check out Limestone Books at Grote Gracht 63, 6211 ST Maastricht!

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